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Parking for disabled people and the Blue Badge scheme

How and where to park as a disabled person in Islington including applying for and renewing a Blue Badge, free resident permits and what to do if your Blue Badge is lost or stolen.

Where Blue Badge holders can park in Islington

Blue Badge holders can park for free for as long as you need with badge on display in:

  • resident permit holder bays
  • shared-use permit holder bays (for example, a bay that's for residents and visitors who might pay at a meter or phone app)
  • disabled badge holder bays (except those marked as a dedicated bay which are reserved for a named disabled permit holder)
  • short-stay bays (paid-for parking).

Blue Badge holders can also park:

  • on single and double yellow lines for up to three hours, with the Blue Badge time clock card displayed and set to your time of arrival - you must not park where there are loading and waiting restrictions or where the vehicle can cause a dangerous obstruction
  • in time-limited disabled bays - check the signs to confirm how long you can park there for.

You cannot park in any other bays. 

Use our map to find parking bays in Islington - zoom into an area you want to park and you can choose the 'parking bays' option which will show all types of bays in the area.

Disabled parking on estates

You cannot park in a standard numbered estate parking space with a Blue Badge.

On many estates, there are some Blue Badge parking spaces. These parking bays are meant for use by disabled visitors to the estate. You must display a valid Blue Badge when using these spaces.

Read more about estate parking.

Disabled parking at the Whittington Hospital

Parking space at the Whittington Hospital is very limited, especially for Blue Badge holders. Both Highgate Hill and Magdala Avenue are bus routes which further limits parking space.

There are some parking spaces on the main streets that border the hospital at:

  • Magdala Avenue - two disabled parking bays, plus around 32 resident bays and 22 shared-use bays. There are also 11 or 12 off-peak spaces.
  • Highgate Hill - around 10 short-stay pay and display bays just 150m from the hospital entrance in Highgate Hill.
  • Dartmouth Park Hill - nine short-stay pay and display spaces around 300 metres from the hospital entrance, and three spaces on double yellow lines near the junction with Magdala Avenue.

Using EU and non-EU disabled badges in Islington

All EU disabled badge holders have the same parking rights as Blue Badge holders.

We do not accept disabled badges from outside the EU.

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