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Visitor e-vouchers

How to use, register for and buy visitor e-vouchers, a more convenient way of letting your visitors park in Islington

Cost of visitor e-vouchers

All visitor vouchers for diesel, petrol and petrol hybrid cars need to pay a fuel surcharge, on top of the standard price. This is to help meet the council’s net zero carbon goals.

E-vouchers for additional match day controls are a higher price. Read more under 'special conditions or exceptions'.

Voucher type Cost per 30 minutes Petrol surcharge - 1-185g/km CO2 (per 30 minutes) Petrol surcharge - 186-225g/km CO2 (per 30 minutes) Petrol surcharge - over 226g/km CO2 (per 30 minutes) Diesel surcharge (per 30 minutes)
Standard 70p 30p 35p 40p 60p
Discounted 35p 30p 35p 40p 60p

Discounted e-vouchers

Visitor e-vouchers are discounted if you are either:

  • 60 or over
  • getting Incapacity Benefit, Disability Living Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance.

Special conditions or exceptions

Visitors during additional match day controls

Visitors parking in areas with additional match day controls on match days must buy visitor e-vouchers during those controls to avoid the risk of a fine. Paper vouchers are not valid during these times.

You must book any e-vouchers you need during additional match day controls separately from the rest of the day's vouchers, because the price is higher during match day controls.

For example, if need to book e-visitor hours until 7pm and match day controls begin at 6.30pm, you must book one set of vouchers up to 6.30pm and then book the extra 30 minutes under match day control hours as a second purchase.

The RingGo notifications may not tell you to do this. Please make sure you've done this correctly before you park.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.