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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Scrap metal dealer licence

Anyone buying or selling scrap metal must be licensed by their local authority.

After you apply

We must process your application before it can be granted. 

If you have not heard from us within six weeks, please get in contact by emailing

If you are applying for a scrap metal collector's licence, you need to supply a passport-style photo of the applicant. You can send this to Trading Standards, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR.

Commenting on a licence

In cases where comments or complaints are made, the application will be decided by our licensing subcommittee at a public hearing. 

The hearing will normally take place within four weeks following the initial 28-day representation period. All concerned parties will be invited to attend the hearing and they will be given the opportunity to discuss their application or representation and ask questions of other parties present.

You have a right to appeal the decision, but please contact us in the first instance. Appeals must be made to the local magistrates’ court.