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Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

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Apply for a new alcohol or entertainment premises licence

If you wish to sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or late-night refreshment on a permanent basis then you must usually apply for a premises licence.

For one-off or occasional events, where there will be less than 500 people present, you may be able to submit a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) instead.

Apply for a licence

All applicants are advised to read our licensing policy before making their application. 

The cost of a premises licence depends on your premises’ rateable value. You can find the rateable value on the GOV.UK website.

If you're a resident in the UK and applying as an individual or partnership, you must be aged 18 years or older and be entitled to work in the UK. 

You will need to send:

  • a completed application form
  • documentary evidence of your entitlement to work in the UK. The application form includes a list of acceptable documents
  • a plan of the premises. The plan must comply with legal regulations, please refer to the Premises plan requirements for more information 
  • if you are applying to sell alcohol, a consent form signed by the proposed designated premises supervisor (see 'Useful documents' below)
  • the correct fee.

You must serve copies of the completed application on all the responsible authorities. We will do this on your behalf if you make your application online. You do not need to serve a copy on the Home Office if your application is for regulated entertainment only.

You can apply online via the GOV.UK website.

Apply online