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Apply for a new alcohol or entertainment premises licence

If you wish to sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or late-night refreshment on a permanent basis then you must usually apply for a premises licence.

For one-off or occasional events, where there will be less than 500 people present, you may be able to submit a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) instead.


You need a premises licence for the following: 

  • the sale of alcohol. You will also need to have at least one person involved who holds a personal licence
  • the provision of ‘regulated entertainment’, which includes the performance of plays, showing of films, indoor sporting events, boxing or wrestling (indoor or outdoor), live music, recorded music and performance of dance. There are a number of exceptions or exemptions to this group and further detailed information is available in the Section 182 Guidance published by the Home Office
  • the sale or supply of hot food or drink to the public for consumption on or off the premises between 11pm and 5am.

A premises can be any place, not just a physical building, and includes parks, roads and other open spaces. 

Licences can be granted either permanently or for a shorter period specified by those applying for the licence. 

Premises licences to sell alcohol or provide late night refreshment cannot be issued to an individual who does not have permission to be in the UK, or is not entitled to undertake work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity.

A premises licence lapses in a case of death, incapacity or insolvency of the holder, where no valid application for transfer of the licence has been made. The licence will also lapse if the holder ceases to be entitled to work in the UK. 

Holders of permanent licences must pay a fee each year to keep the licence active.

Premises licences are granted subject to conditions. It is a criminal offence not to comply with the conditions on a premises licence.

Premises licences may be reviewed by us at any stage if a person with relevant concerns submits a formal review application.  

Relevant concerns relate to crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety and protecting children from harm. On hearing a review, we can impose additional conditions, modify the licence, for example by reducing the permitted hours, suspend the licence for up to three months or revoke it.