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Digital Marketing Futures is a new programme from LIFT and WYK Digital, for talented digital marketers who are ready to take their next steps into work. The programme will include a 1-week, intensive course to help enhance employability skills followed by access to 8-week paid (London Living Wage) internships with local employers. 

The programme has been developed to provide practical work experience and skills training supported by industry professionals, where they learn core skills to help them access employment opportunities and thrive in work. After completing the training programme participants will gain access to interviews for a number of digital marketing internships within local businesses.  

September 2024: Intensive one-week full-time course to accelerate people’s employability and soft skills.   

October - November 2024: Eight-week paid digital marketing internships.

LIFT and WYK will: 

  • Relevant training prior to internship placements 
  • Support with recruitment of interns (advertising, collecting applications, and help with shortlisting and interviews if needed) 
  • Additional pastoral support to interns while on placement 
  • 50% funding for intern's pay at London Living Wage (£13.15/hr), for small businesses

What we ask of employers:

  • Host an intern for the duration of the eight-week placement, full time.
  • Pay 50% of salary at London living wage (£13.15/hr)
  • Consider intern for a permanent role post-internship 
  • Provide a supportive environment and dedicated manager 
  • Uphold a commitment to diversity practices 
  • Offer real project opportunities for intern's skill development 
  • Reference for intern post-placement 

Find out more about the programme and register your interest in hosting an intern by emailing: