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Rubbish bins icon

What you can and can't recycle and reuse

You can recycle a lot of waste but you might be confused about what to put in your containers. This information will help you make the right decision.

If you need a leaflet to explain what to recycle to others

Choose the right leaflet for your home to give to your tenants, visitors, family and other types of residents, helping them to recycle responsibly.

If you need a ‘what to recycle’ poster for a communal living area

Use these posters in communal areas for your tenants, visitors, family and other types of residents to help them recycle responsibly.

  • Mixed recycling

    This is plastic, paper and cardboard, glass and metal. We've broken this list down into sections showing what items you can or can't recycle. Recycling can go loose inside your container, or within a LBI clear recycling bag or any see-through carrier bag

  • Food waste recycling

    From leftover or out of date food to teabags and coffee grounds, find out what you can put in your food waste recycling containers.

  • Garden waste recycling

    From Monday 1 April 2024, we’re introducing a new £75 annual fee for green garden waste collections

  • Recycling A-Z

    A to Z list of materials and how you can recycle or dispose of them best

  • Small electrical items

    Find out more about recycling your electrical goods

  • Textiles and clothes

    Find your nearest textile recycling point