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Online maps may be unavailable Wednesday 23 October, 5-8pm

We are carrying out essential maintenance on our online map services, so maps may be unavailable for a short time on Wednesday 23 October between 5-8pm. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Planning document icon

Duty planning officer service

The service is directed towards informally dealing with general planning process issues relating to a number of defined areas and is unlikely to be suitable for anyone seeking comments on the acceptability of a proposed scheme.

A duty planning officer is available for pre-booked appointments between 10am and 1pm Tuesday and Thursday by telephone. They will be able to give informal verbal advice in relation to the enquiry and arrange for a very brief electronic summary of that advice to be forwarded to a nominated email address.

Please note that this service is not suitable for project specific advice such as the likelihood of your development scheme gaining planning permission.  If you require project specific advice, you should consider our formal pre-application service or bespoke planning performance agreement service.

Advice and duty officer appointments

The duty planning officer is able to discuss general planning issues relating to the following aspects only:

  • Energy efficiency, micro-generation and/or energy reduction – This will cover whether planning permission is required for works/measures to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and/or install micro-generating equipment at you residential property or small business premises. Where planning permission is required further guidance can be provided regarding submission documentation, the planning process and relevant planning considerations. Please note that the guidance provided is informal.

  • Pre submission validation check - This will cover whether you have provided the correct documentation to make sure that your application can be assessed and determined within relevant timescales (for householder and minor applications only). Please note that this validation check does not include a review of the content or quality of the documentation but is meant to capture whether or not the correct documentation will accompany the application. For example, have sufficient drawings been provided to enable validation? Do the drawings provide sufficient information to assess the proposal?

  • General advice and guidance on the completion of planning applications - Is the correct form being used and has it been filled out correctly?  I.e. Householder or Full Planning Permission form used? Has the correct Certificate of Ownership been completed?

  • Advice on Permitted Development (for householders only) - This category is not intended as a review of whether or not a scheme is permitted development but will advise on Islington's interpretation of the General Permitted Development Order and what can be built without the need to apply formally for planning permission. If you wish confirmation of whether a development/change of use is permitted development a more appropriate route would be to go through the pre-application advice service or submit an application for a Lawful Development Certificate. The intention of this category is to explain how the council interpret and apply the permitted development categories and guidance. We will not advise on individual properties, but give general guidance.

  • Advice on the details required for approval of planning conditions (for householders only) - This will include an assessment of your information to advise whether you have provided sufficient details as required by your condition to enable a decision to be issued.

  • Do I need planning permission to build this, or use the building differently? (for householder and small commercial only) - The intention of this category is not to assess the planning merits of the proposal but to confirm whether or not a proposed development would be development/change of use requiring planning permission (section 55a test). We will not advise whether or not the development or change of use is acceptable. If you require a discussion on the planning merits of your proposal it would be more appropriate to undertake a formal pre-application consultation - details of which can be found on the website.

  • Is Listed Building Consent required for these changes to this building? (for householder and small commercial only) - This is as above but bespoke to a listed building so will include consideration of external alterations. We can provide advice on whether or not the alterations you are proposing require planning permission and/or listed building consent. Again we will not advise whether or not the proposed development is acceptable. If you require advice on the merits of a development then you are advised to apply for formal pre-application advice.

  • What is my Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) liability? - To determine what CIL is liable based on size of development. A specialist from our CIL team will assess the information you submit and advise on the liability required to be paid for the proposed development.

  • General queries on planning policy including interpretation and application. - Islington's Local Plan is used to plan strategically across the borough, looking at future needs to be addressed, what change is likely to happen and where. The Local Plan is made up of various documents and contains a number of policies for ensuring that the borough develops in a sustainable manner. The intention of this category is to explain the council's planning policy and what the intention of the policy is. We will discuss its general application only but we will not embark on site specific discussions as this is more appropriately undertaken as part of a formal pre-application. We will also discuss what the policy means and how the council applies its development plan policies. For example - marketing in respect of changes of use from amongst other D1, B1, A1 uses and what needs to be addressed in a marketing submission.

Any other pre-application advice is covered by the formal pre-application service and the bespoke planning performance agreements offer.


General enquiry appointments (20 mins plus write-up time) are charged at a fee of £90.88 including VAT.

Enquiries about Retrofit micro-generation, energy efficiency and/or energy reduction measures to your home or building are free. This only relates to works as detailed within the Islington Permitted Development Guide for Net Zero Work.

Booking an appointment

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Any planning advice given by officers, either orally or in writing in the course of their duties, is offered in good faith and is based on the information and evidence given to them.

However, such advice is offered without the benefit of a site visit, without the involvement of a broader range of officers in dealing with an actual planning application, and with no input from consultees, neighbours or other interested parties. Such views are therefore the personal opinion of that officer or officers and are not a formal decision of, nor binding on, the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority will only be bound where a formal application is submitted and a formal decision is issued in writing.

Much of the information you need to submit an application is also contained on this website and you are encouraged to consider this before you contact the council.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.