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Buy or renew a business parking permit

Find out how to apply for a business parking permit if you are a business based in an Islington property you don't live in, and pay business rates.

Buy a business permit with vouchers

This is a year-long permit at a reduced rate that can only be used with vouchers.

It allows you to park on any days that you choose.

  • This permit lets you park for up to three hours in any available business/shared use parking bay within your controlled parking zone (CPZ).
  • The permit must be displayed with its vouchers.
  • You can purchase an unlimited number of vouchers but vouchers can only be displayed for up to a maximum of three hours at any one time.
  • This permit may have up to three vehicles on it - the permit can only be used for one vehicle at any one time.


  • Permit price: £27.21
  • Voucher price: £18.50 for a book of 10 one-hour vouchers

Buy or renew

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