Paying for major works charges
We have a variety of payment options for major works charges, varying from a 5% prompt payment discount to a 25-year interest bearing agreement.
Set up a direct debit
Download this PDF to set up a direct debit to pay your service charges including major works.
Communal repairs
A communal repair is work required on internal or external parts of a building that is shared with all residents of a block or estate.
Contact Housing Services
Contact housing services
Council tenant and homeowner involvement
How council tenants and homeowners can help us improve the services we provide
Related information
Estate parking
Anyone can apply for an Islington estate parking space or garage
Search for major works on your block
The major works search is an online guide to major improvement works on residential blocks
Reporting anti-social behaviour or noise
Find out what anti-social behaviour is, how to report it and what happens when you report it to our team
Home safety
Advice and information on keeping safe and warm in your home