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Council tax bills and benefit or discount applications

We have started posting your annual council tax bills to you.

If you applied for Council Tax benefit or other council tax discount recently, your benefit may not be on your bill. If your application for a benefit is successful, we will send you a new bill showing the new total amount of council tax you will pay.

Only contact us about the missing discount if you haven't got a new bill within one month of when you applied (10 April at the earliest).

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Severely Mentally Impaired (SMI) discount

If you are registered as having a mental impairment you may be entitled to a discount.

A person medically certified as having a severe impairment of their intellectual or social functioning (however caused), that appears to be permanent, may be eligible to a Council Tax discount.

The Council Tax service cannot and does not assess mental impairment. This assessment must be determined by a suitable medical professional, usually a GP.

Conditions that can lead to severe mental impairment include Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, severe learning difficulties, a stroke and other forms of dementia.

To be eligible, the SMI person must also be entitled to one or more of the following benefits:

  • Short term or long term incapacity benefit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Short term or long term Severe Disablement allowance
  • Higher or middle rate care component of disability living allowance
  • Disability element of working tax credit
  • Unemployability supplement
  • Constant Attendance allowance or Unemployability allowance under the industrial injuries or war pensions scheme
  • Income support which includes a disability premium because of incapacity for work
  • Personal Independence Payment Medium or Enhanced Living Allowance

How to apply

Download the application pack

This includes all the forms, declarations and information on what documents you will need to send to us.

Send your completed forms, signed declarations and required documents to us at Islington Council, PO Box 34750, London N7 9WF or email to