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Council tax bills and benefit or discount applications

We have started posting your annual council tax bills to you.

If you applied for Council Tax benefit or other council tax discount recently, your benefit may not be on your bill. If your application for a benefit is successful, we will send you a new bill showing the new total amount of council tax you will pay.

Only contact us about the missing discount if you haven't got a new bill within one month of when you applied (10 April at the earliest).

House with coin icon

Foster carers exemption

From 1 April 2018, all approved foster carers that live in Islington, including those who foster through the Shared Lives scheme, do not have to pay council tax in Islington. 

If you are a foster carer and your household does not receive a zero balance bill for 2018 and subsequent years, please call 020 7527 2633. 

For support and advice on applying for council tax discounts, or if you are a foster care and your household receives a council tax bill, call 020 7527 2633.