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Special treatments therapists registration

Any person wishing to carry out treatments at a licensed specialist treatments premises in Islington needs to register with us.


Only registered therapists may provide special treatments at licensed premises unless they are members of bodies considered exempt from licensing for certain treatments. 


You must be aged 18 and over to apply and you need to provide:

  • two identical full-face passport-size photographs of yourself, taken within the last 12 months
  • A4 copies of the qualifications and credit units gained you’ve gained in each of the treatments you wish to provide
  • if your qualifications were obtained overseas, you must get all documents translated into English. Submission of translated documents can be made to UK NARIC for comparability with UK qualifications
  • proof of personal residential address
  • for tattooing and piercing, provide a reference from employer outlining experience, training, quality of work and good practice
  • a photocopy of your driving licence photo ID or a passport
  • a copy of any other local authority registration.

You must download and complete the registration form under ‘Useful documents’ below and either email PDF or Word versions of the application and supporting documents to OR post them via mail to Licensing Team, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR.

The application process takes a minimum of 21 days.

No fee payment is required.

You will be required to attend an interview if you are are carrying out laser, IPL or body piercing. We will contact you if it's required. 

After you apply

The application for registration will be granted provided no objections or observations are made.

If there is an objection or observation, you will be given details and asked to confirm whether you wish to continue with the application or withdraw it.

If objections to an application cannot be mediated, you will be invited to a meeting of the licensing regulatory committee. You will be invited to speak on behalf of your application. The committee will make a decision based on information provided by the licensing officer and your representation. The committee will make a decision at the end of the meeting.

An application for registration may be refused or revoked on any of the following grounds: 

  • you could be reasonably regarded as not being a fit and proper person to hold a registration
  • you have made a material statement which you knew to be false in connection with your registration
  • you have not received sufficient training.

If we refuse to grant an application for registration or revoke an existing one, we will write to you confirm the decision and the reasons for the refusal or revocation within seven days of the date the decision is made.


If you're employed to provide special treatment and you are also a members of an exempted body that appears on the current ‘Health Practitioners Exemptions List’ (see 'Useful documents' below) you do not need to register with us. Exemption only applies to the special treatment specified in the document and the provision of any other special treatments at the premises will require registration.