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Required certification for a premises licence

The licensee must ensure that all relevant certification and assessments are up to date and available for inspection on the request of an authorised officer.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • a current Periodic Inspection Report on the electrical installation 
  • a certificate confirming the examination, within the last 12 months, of all fixed and portable electrical equipment used in giving special treatments or used for cleaning/sterilising 
  • a current certificate confirming that the installation and battery are in full working order, if the premises has a system of escape/emergency lighting 
  • a current certificate confirming that the installation complies with British Standard 5839, Part 1, if the premises has a fire alarm system 
  • fire safety certificate 
  • fire risk assessment.

Please note, the certificates listed above must be issued by a 'competent person', for example, a member of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) or the Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA).