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Child performance licence

All children that take part in films, plays, concerts or other public performances that the audience pays to see, that take place on a licensed premises, or sporting events or modelling assignments where the child is paid require a child performance licence.
Please note we are reviewing the chaperone application process. With this being the case, we will not be accepting any new applications until the 2nd September 2019. In the meantime if you have any questions please call Pupil Services on 020 7527 3747. Thank you for your patience

The purpose of the licence is to ensure that all children are adequately safeguarded and supported.

After you apply

We have a duty to check any areas of concern in order to confirm that the performance will not have a harmful effect on the child. This is normally the main reason why we need 10 working days to process your application.

How we make our decision

We may refuse to issue a performance licence if we think that the child’s education, health or welfare will suffer by taking part in the performance.

We may request additional information from you before a licence is issued and in some cases we may refuse the licence.  We may also revoke current licenses if we have concerns about the welfare of the child.

After we issue your licence

We have the right to inspect any performance to ensure that the conditions of the licence are observed, the place of performance is deemed suitable, and that the child’s needs are met. We have the right to withdraw the licence at any time.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.