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Mandatory conditions

Operators of licensed premises must comply with the mandatory licence conditions. Failure to do this can lead to prosecution or review of the licence.

If the premises licence allows exhibition of films

Condition 8

1. Where a premises licence authorises the exhibition of films, the licence must include a condition requiring the admission of children to the exhibition of any film to be restricted in accordance with this section.

2. Where the film classification body is specified in the licence, unless subsection (3)(b) applies, admission of children must be restricted in accordance with any recommendation by that body.

3. Where

(a) The film classification body is not specified in the licence, or

(b) The relevant licensing authority has notified the holder of the licence that this subsection applies to the film in question, admission of children must be restricted in accordance with any recommendation made by that licensing authority.

4. In this section "children" means any person aged under 18; and film "classification body" means the person or persons designated as the authority under Section 4 of the Video Recordings Act 1984(c39) (authority to determine suitability of video works for classification).

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