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Christmas and new year opening times and services

Find out our opening times and service changes over Christmas and New Year holidays. This includes changes to bin collection days, parking and customer contact centre opening hours.

Islington Town Hall will be closed from Thursday 2 to Monday 6 January 2025 for planned maintenance. Registrar services will be reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.

My eAccount unavailable

My eAccount is currently unavailable. While we fix the issue housing and benefits account information will not be available to residents and reporting of some highways issues will not be possible.

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Late-Night Levy charges

Levy charges, exemptions, reductions and information on how the money is spent

Levy charges

Band Rateable value  Levy amount 
No rateable value to £4,300  ​£299 
Greater than £4,300 to £33,000  ​£768
Greater than £33,000 to £87,000​  ​£1,259
Greater than £87,000 to £125,000​  ​£1,365
D*  Greater than £87,000 to £125,000 (*premises which are used exclusively or primarily for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises)  ​£2,730
Greater than £125,000   ​£1,493
E*  Greater than £125,000 (*Premises which are used exclusively or primarily for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises) ​   ​£4,440

Premises that are in the course of construction will be in Band C.​

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.