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Some website forms are not available

We are sorry that currently some of our website forms are not working. We are working to resolve this issue as soon as we can. You can still pay your council tax, housing rent, service charges and pay for your parking permit and penalty charge notices.

May bank holiday services

Find our opening times and changes to services over the May bank holiday, including revised rubbish and recycling collections, parking restrictions and customer contact centre hours. 

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Guidance for Adult Social Care and supported living providers

Unless otherwise stated, the guidance documents on these pages have been put together by Islington and Camden Public Health. For any enquires related to these documents, please email

This is primarily intended for the managers, care and support workers, and other staff in supported living settings, but is also relevant to local authorities, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), primary care networks (PCNs), and community health services.

This is for those providing residential services to someone who has the symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19) but is unable or unwilling to follow self-isolation instructions. This may include service users with learning difficulties, dementia, or multiple complex needs such as substance addiction and mental ill health.

This is for unpaid carers living with the person they care for, as well as those who live in a different house to the person they provide unpaid care for.

Visiting arrangements in care homes: Islington Position

To help signpost adult social care providers to a range of useful guidance and resources around infection control procedures (IPCs). The document is applicable to care homes, home care providers and supported accommodation settings as well as commissioners. It includes a mixture of guidance documents, training courses, helpful resources and video recordings.

Action card for homeless setting. 

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.