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Highways information and policy

Information about Islington highway policies, transport strategy, risk assessments and dropped kerbs.

Designing highways for adoption

Find out how to adopt a road in Islington so it becomes maintained at public expense

London permit scheme

See the order bringing the London permit scheme in Islington (PDF 750KB)


We jointly commissioned a flood risk assessment with other north London boroughs.

Read the North London strategic flood risk assessment (PDF 904KB)

Highways asset management plan

Setting out how the highway assets are valued, and the context of the road network within the local community.

Read the asset management plan (PDF 1MB)

Islington highways handbook

Information about how we inspect and maintain our highways.

Download the Islington highways handbook (PDF 3MB)

Dropped kerbs

If you want to lower a kerb (also known as vehicle crossover) you can find out how here.

Islington transport strategy

We consulted on a new transport strategy for 2019 – 2041 in mid-late July 2019. Find out more about the consultation.

We will be publishing the Islington Transport Strategy 2020 – 2041 in early 2021.



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