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Trees icon

Pruning and planting

We maintain our trees differently depending on where they are and what each particular tree type needs

Planting and maintenance schedules

Tree inspections

Highways street trees, trees in communal areas on housing estates and trees in Islington Parks are inspected every three years. Works are issued following inspection to maintain our trees in a healthy condition.

Tree planting

Our planting season runs from November to March. In the last ten years, we have planted more trees than we have had to fell.

Please email if you would like to suggest a location for a tree. You can also donate to provide for a tree in your area and help with tree watering in summer months.

Trees on private land

It is the responsibility of the owner of a tree on private land to make sure that it is in good health, inspected regularly, and that necessary works are carried out. Some trees in Islington are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), are located within conservation areas, or have specified planning conditions; these require notification or an application to be submitted to carry out any works.

The council's mapping system shows where all conservation areas are and lists all of the trees with Protection Orders (TPOs) within the borough. When you go to the map select Planning, then Trees, then Tree Prevention Orders (TPOs). 

Tree removal

We only remove trees if they are dead, dying, diseased, or have been proven causing subsidence. Most trees are felled during the tree felling programme which takes place during the autumn. Felling involves cutting down the tree and the removal of the tree stump and this is carried out as two separate operations.

Diseased trees can often appear to be perfectly healthy and a common reason for removing a tree is due to fungal decay. A tree might have healthy looking leaves and produce a lot of fruit, but the main structure of the tree may have been weakened by fungus. Fungal growth on the outside of the tree is usually the first signal that there is damage inside. We usually fell trees in the autumn but if we need to remove a tree outside of this period, we will place sign on it giving at least a week's notice and explaining the reasons.

Very occasionally we will remove a tree without notices for reasons of public safety.

Report an issue with a tree