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Jobs and careers

Support into work for vulnerable young adults

The Youth Employability and Skills (YES) programme team can help young adults with barriers into employment who are aged 18 to 25.

We can help you into work if you are aged 18 to 25 and not in education, employment or training, and are either:

  • an Islington care leaver 
  • have experience of the youth justice system 
  • are not open to statutory services / known to voluntary or community sector services, and vulnerable to long-term unemployment
  • have special educational need difficulties or disabilities.

The Youth Employability and Skills (YES) team are trauma-aware advisers and can offer up to a year of pre-employment support including help to:

  • set realistic goals
  • access world of work insights, tasters and placements
  • get and stay employed.  

Referrals come from Independent Futures, Youth Justice Service, I-Can, Elevate, Pupil Services (SEND Team), ILPD, and voluntary sector services. If you want more information about the YES programme or a copy of our referral form, email

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