Use the information from this page for everything you need to know to know about trading in Islington markets.
If you need any more information or have questions about markets or trading in Islington, contact us:
- Address: Street Trading Service, Islington Council, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR
- Phone: 020 7527 3830
- Email:
For more information or help with licensing queries visit our licensing, permits and registrations page.
Pop-up ideas for Chapel Market
Do you have an idea for a pop-up market or event that you would like to be hosted at Chapel Market? We will accept proposals for self-funded pop-up markets or events that will animate the market and add value to the community. Send your proposal to the markets development officer at:
Proposals should include:
- what will be sold at the market
- how many stalls will be included
- details of any other activities that would take place
- an overview of the business model including how the market would be financed and promoted.
Full market trading licence
A full market trading licence is when the trader is allocated a specific permanent pitch and is charged a monthly fee
Casual market trader licence
Registering as a casual trader for a particular market allows you to trade on the day of your choice on a pay as you go basis.
Market trading fees
Find out how much it costs to trade from permanent and scattered market sites in Islington
Casual market trading FAQs
We look at some of the most commonly asked questions about causal trading payments
Casual street trading payment form
Casual street trader payment application form
Takeaway food and drink commodities
Find out about applying to sell takeaway food and drink at a trading location or market in Islington.
Trading at scattered sites
Vacancies for scattered sites are rare and when one becomes available a selection process is usually required
Trading on private land
Information about applying to trade on private land
Illegal street trading and obstructions
How to report unlawful traders