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Streets and roads in Band A

Find out what streets and roads in Islington come under Band A when it comes to tables, chairs, A-board and trading on private land licensing.

Streets or roads beginning with the letters A to C

Albion Place  Aldersgate Street  Amwell Street 
Archway Road  Baltic Street East  Baltic Street West 
Banner Street   Bard Street  Bath Street  
Benjamin Street  Bonhill Street  Briset Street 
Britton Street  Broad Yard  Bunhill Row 
Cahill Street  Camden Passage  Carthusian Street 
Central Street  Chapel Market  Charterhouse Buildings 
Charterhouse Mews  Charterhouse Square  Charterhouse Street 
Chequer Street  Cherry Tree Walk  Chiswell Street 
City Road  Clere Place  Clere Street 
Clerkenwell Close  Clerkenwell Green Clerkenwell Road 
Cowcross Street  Cowper Street  Crescent Row 
Christopher Street  Cross street   

Streets or roads beginning with the letters D to H

Dominion Street  Dufferin Avenue  Dufferin Street 
Eagle Court  Epworth Street  Errol Street 
Exmouth Market  Farringdon Lane  Farringdon Road 
Featherstone Street  Finsbury Pavement  Finsbury Square 
Finsbury Street  Fortune Street  Fox and Knot Street 
Garret street  Glass House Yard  Golden Lane 
Great Sutton Street  Hat and Mitre Court  Hercules Street 
Highbury Corner  Highgate Hill  Holloway Road 

Streets or roads beginning with the letters I to P

Islington Green  Islington High Street  Islington Park Street 
Kings Cross Road  Lamb’s Buildings  Lamb’s Passage 
Leonard Street  Mallow Street  Memel Court 
Memel Street  Moor Lane  Moreland Street 
Nags Head Court  Old Street  Packington Street 
Paul Street  Pentonville Road  Peter’s Lane 
Phoenix Place  Platina Street    

Streets or roads beginning with the letters R to S

Ropemaker Street  Roscoe Street  Rosebery Avenue 
Rosoman Street  Rutland Place  Shrewsbury Court 
Singer Street Skinner Street SmokeHouse Yard 
South Place  Spafield Street  Spencer Street 
St John Street  St John’s Lane  St John’s Place 
St John's Square  Sun Street  Suttons Way 

Streets or roads beginning with the letters T to Y

Tabernacle Street  Theberton Street  Turks Head Yard 
Turnmill Street  Tysoe Street  Upper Street 
Warwick Yard  Whitecross Street  Whithers Place 
Wilson Street  Worship Street  Young’s Buildings