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Trading fees for markets

Find out the trading fees for markets in Islington.

Camden Passage

Days  Weekly fee  Monthly fee 
Wednesday  £21  £91
Saturday  £26  £112.67
Wednesday and Saturday  £41  £177.67 
Friday  £21  £91 
Sunday  £21  £91 
All three days  £56  £242.67 
All four market days  £77  £333.67 
Storage of canopies  £5 per day £21.67 per month 

Casual trader fee is based on the daily rate

Chapel Market

Pitch size   Area  Weekly fees  Monthly fees 
Takeaway hot food       
8' x 7'  £67  £290.33 
9' x 7'  £74  £320.67 
11' x 7'  £61  £264.33 
12' x 7'  £74  £320.67 
Other commodities       
8' x 7'  £60  £260 
9' x 7'   £66  £286 
11' x 7'   £55  £238.33 
12' x 7'   £66  £286 
Daily casual fee       
Tuesday to Friday N/A  £10  N/A 
Saturday  N/A  £20  N/A 
Sunday  N/A  £15 N/A 

Exmouth Market

Type and day  Per week  Per month 
Takeaway food/use of area for food consumption     
Monday to Friday  £46  £199.33 
Other commodities    
Monday to Friday  £32  £138.67 
Casual (no hot food)  Per day  N/A 

Whitecross Street Market

Type and day
Per week
Per month 
Takeaway food     
Monday to Friday  £75  £325 
Subsequent pitches  £75  £325 
Thursday to Friday  £46  £199.33 
Other commodities and use of area for food consumption     
Monday to Friday   £46  £199.33  
Subsequent pitches 
£34  £147.33 
Thursday to Friday   £24  £112.67 
Casual (no takeaway food)  Per day  
Monday to Wednesday  £12   
Thursday to Friday  £15