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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Private land licence application form

This form is used to apply for a new private land licence, or renewal of an existing private land licence.

You have been notified of the private land administration fee which is payable with this form and is non-refundable.

Please complete these fields

Data protection

The council will use the information you provide for the purpose of administering your private land licence, in accordance with our obligations under the London Local Authorities Act 1990 (as amended), and for managing and improving the delivery of service to you.

We may share the information with other Council departments and external bodies such as:

  • The National Fraud Initiative, for the investigation of fraud
  • The police, for the investigation of offences or crimes
  • The Home Office, regarding right to work in UK.

Data will be stored for a period of maximum of three years.

Read further information about the way the council handles your information in our privacy policy.

Your details

Enter your date of birth as DD/MM/YYYY