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Small society lottery registration

If you’re a society, club or charity with a head office in Islington and you intend to raise funds by selling tickets to the general public in advance of any type of draw (raffles, lotteries, tombolas, etc), then you normally need to register with us.

Registration and return forms

You can find information on fees and renewal costs here.

The annual fee payment is normally due before 1 January each year or on the anniversary of your registration being granted. Non-payment of annual fees will result in automatic cancellation of your registration.

Return forms must be submitted within three months of each lottery draw. 

Download the registration forms, returns form and guidance notes at the bottom of the page. 


Certain exemptions may apply to some types of lottery where all the ticket sales and draws take place during the event. For example, a raffle held at a school fete where all the proceeds of the event are for non-profit purposes and not for private gain.