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Online maps may be unavailable Wednesday 23 October, 5-8pm

We are carrying out essential maintenance on our online map services, so maps may be unavailable for a short time on Wednesday 23 October between 5-8pm. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Adult Social Care privacy notice

The following privacy notice applies to the London Borough of Islington’s Adult Social Care department


What information we collect, hold and use

The information we may collect about you could include, but is not limited to:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • NHS number
  • Address
  • Ethnicity
  • Next of kin
  • Contact details (phone/mobile/email)
  • Physical or mental health condition

 We may ask you further details where required and appropriate:

  • Religious or other similar beliefs
  • National Insurance number
  • Language
  • Gender
  • Accommodation status
  • Nationality
  • Sexual orientation
  • Marital status
  • Financial information

We use your personal information to:

ensure that we meet all of our legal and statutory duties including, but not limited to, those which apply under the following legislation and/or contractual agreements:

  • Care Act 2014
  • Health & Social Care Act 2014
  • Care Quality Registration Regulations 2009
  • Children's Act 2004
  • Children and Families Act 2014
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Mental Health Act 2007
  • Housing Act 2004
  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • The Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009
  • Support plan
  • Other contracts and agreements setting out the terms and conditions of services provided to you by the Adult Social Care department.

We may also use your data:

  • to check and, if needed, update your customer record details
  • for administrative purposes and customer service
  • to contact you to take part in independent research or surveys and ask your opinion about our services to ensure we understand how we can deliver a better service to our service users.
  • Anonymised information (data which cannot be used to identify you) may be used to help us manage our contracts with commissioners.
  • Information may also be used within our organisation for the purposes of audits and monitoring of performance of our services. Some of this information may be used for statistical or reporting purposes and we will ensure that individuals cannot be identified.

Call recording

Any personal information recorded during telephone conversations is stored on the system for a fixed period after which it is securely deleted.

The Law permits us to process your data where it is:

  • a legal obligation
  • in your vital interest
  • for health and social care purposes
  • in other circumstances where you give your consent

Agencies we might share the information with include:

  • Commissioned partners/contractors who undertake our work
  • District/Borough Councils 
  • Police for the purposes of fraud and crime prevention
  • NHS
  • Our Health partners using the Health Information Exchange or HealtheIntent Platforms. for more information on these programmes please see the NHS Website


Unless specified in the legislation cited above, data will be deleted in line with the Limitation Act 1980 (Section 2).

Health and Social Care data linkage:

To provide you with the best direct care we link data from the health and social care services you use. These data are also used to help us better plan services for you and understand how well existing services are working and meeting needs Individual purposes are listed below. Please click on the relevant link to find out more about each item.

Health Information Exchange


Adult Social Care and Health Care Data Linkage Project

How to opt-out

For more information on your right to opt-out of having your information shared for purposes beyond your individual care, please see our NHS National Data Opt-Out Privacy Notice


Please see the council’s main privacy notice for details about your rights and who to contact about the use of your personal data.

Details of the Adult Social Services complaints procedure may be found on our website

If you are dissatisfied with the service you have been provided and have exhausted the council’s corporate complaints process, you can refer any complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman. Details of how to complain.

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.