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Some online services unavailable on Saturday 23 November and Monday 25 November

Due to essential maintenance some of our online services will be unavailable over the next few days.

  • On Saturday 23 November between 9am–5pm you will be unable to view your council tax, council tax support and housing benefits accounts or documents while we upgrade our systems.
  • On Monday 25 November between 6–11pm our online parking services will be unavailable. During this time, you won’t be able to review or pay for parking tickets or buy parking permits or visitor vouchers.

We are sorry for any inconvenience while we carry out these necessary works.

Town Hall icon

What do we do in an emergency?

The council works closely with our partners in the emergency services, health services and the government to respond to emergencies using agreed procedures.

Our role is then to:

  • support the emergency services
  • support people affected by the incident
  • provide mutual aid to other responders
  • maintain normal council services
  • plan for medium and long term consequences and recovery from the incident.

The type of assistance that can be offered is the provision of:

  • transportation
  • rest centres
  • examination of building structures
  • highway closures and diversion routes
  • specialist equipment
  • welfare/support.

Once the immediate emergency has been dealt with, we will play a major role in restoring normality to the area as quickly as possible.

Under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004), we have the duty to provide and maintain robust and resilient contingency plans (Crisis Response Plan). The purpose of these plans are to provide staff with the procedures and information they need to mitigate the effects of any major emergency occurring within Islington, while allowing council services to continue as normal as far as possible.

The Crisis Response Plan details how the council will respond to an emergency and enables each department involved, or required, to contribute to a coordinated response. The plan is designed to mobilise resources at short notice in response to any incident and ensure that critical services are maintained in the event of a major disruption.

The council works closely with its partners in the emergency services, health services and government in preparing for a range of potential emergencies. The borough's Islington Forum is a platform for all agencies involved in emergency response and its members meet quarterly to discuss emergency issues. 

London Risk Register

The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 also places a legal duty on the council to work with other responding agencies to assess emergency risk and to produce a London Risk Register. This register is available to the public on the Mayor of London website

Contact us

In an emergency always call 999. For non-urgent advice call 111. 

To contact us about any emergency planning or business continuity issues, email or telephone 020 7527 2000. 

In case of an emergency during and after office hours, call 020 7527 2000. 

Remember to have an ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency) phone number in your mobile phone contact details.


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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.